September 2024
1-7 | National Girls Ministries Week |
2 | Labor Day – Office Closed |
7 | School of Ministry |
7 | Engage the Campus |
12-14 | Women’s Fall Retreat EAST |
13-15 | Network FCF Fall Trace (RR) |
14 | Engage the Campus |
18 | Women’s National “See You at the Alter” Day |
19-21 | Women’s Fall Retreat WEST |
20-28 | Fall Trip (50+) |
21 | KIDMIN Fun Arts SW (Location TBD) |
27-29 | Men’s Summit @ Cross Pointe |
28 | KIDMIN Fun Arts SE (Location TBD) |
October 2024-Pastor Appreciation Month
3-4 | Path Meeting (Youth) |
3-5 | Missions on the Lake |
5 | Divisional Family Field Days (RR) |
5 | KIDMIN Fun Arts NW (Location TBD) |
5 | Pure Girls Celebration |
5 | School of Ministry |
11 | Girls Ministries Team Meeting |
12 | KIDMIN Fun Arts NE (Location TBD) |
12 | Network Executive Committee Meeting (RR) |
14-16 | Ministers Renewal |
16-18 | Presbyters Meeting Retreat |
18-19 | Acts 2 Journey- Retreat 3 (Cohort B) |
November 2024
1-2 | LFTL & Men’s Rep Meeting |
4 | Credential Renewal Open |
8-9 | Acts 2 Journey- Retreat 4 (Cohort A) |
9 | Local Church Leadership Training for Women (@ Network Office) |
9 | NWM One Day Conference |
22-23 | Youth Convention |
28-29 | Thanksgiving Vacation – Office Closed |
December 2024
12-14 | Missions Retreat |
23-27 | Christmas Vacation – Office Closed |
31 | Credential Renewal Deadline |
January 2025
1 | New Year’s Day (Office Closed) |
4 | FCF Committee Meeting (RR) |
10 | SW Division Staff Meeting (RR) |
11 | Local Church Women’s Leadership Training (WMs) |
12-3/5 | Spring Refresh Connect Groups |
14 | Resolutions Due |
16-17 | Path 24 (Youth) |
17-18 | Divisional FCF Winter Outing (RR) |
23 | Credential Interviews |
23 | NWM Professional Development (Refresh) |
23 | Presbyters Meeting |
February 2025
1 | SOM |
6-8 | KidMin Connect @ Campground |
6-8 | Unite Conference (Youth) |
7-8 | Men’s Leadership Training/Evangelism & Discipleship |
14-15 | Men’s Leadership Training/Evangelism & Discipleship |
18-28 | Area Conference Tour |
21-25 | Men’s Leadership Training/Evangelism & Discipleship |
23 | National Women’s Day |
28-3/1 | Camp Intercession |
March 2025
1 | SOM |
1 | Spring Conference (Girls Ministries) |
1 | SW Division Ranger Derby Crafting Day (RR) |
6 | Taking Care of Business |
7-8 | Ministry Women Breakaway (Refresh) |
10-11 | Men’s Rep Meeting (Springfield, MO) |
15 | Divisional Ranger Derby (RR) |
20-22 | National EveryONE Conference (RR & Girls Min) |
22 | JBQ & TBQ (Kids) |
28-29 | Fine Arts (Youth) |
April 2025
4 | Network Executive Committee Meeting (RR) |
4-5 | “Empowered to Serve” Conference (WMs) |
4-5 | Network Leaders Conference (RR) |
5 | SOM |
18 | Good Friday (Office Closed) |
28 | Momentum |
28-30 | Network Conference |
May 2025
1 | Credential Application Deadline for June Interviews |
1 | Presbyters Meeting |
2 | Office Closed Following Net. Conf. |
2-3 | “You and Me” Mother-Daughter Event (WMs) |
2-4 | FCF Frontier Adventure & Spring Outing |
3 | SOM |
8-9 | Path 25 (Youth) |
15-17 | Campgrounds Work Week (RR) |
15-17 | Camp Meeting (50+) |
26 | Memorial Day (Office Closed) |
28-31 | Youth Camp Week 1 |
June 2025
2-6 | Youth Camp Week 2 |
4 | Camp Workday & Pow-Wow Setup (RR) |
5-8 | Network POW-WOW (RR) |
7 | SOM |
9-13 | Youth Camp Week 3 |
14 | Local Church Women’s Leadership Training (WMs) |
16-20 | Youth Camp Week 4 |
19 | Credential Interviews |
19-20 | Presbyters Meeting |
19-21 | Network Backpacking Action & Adventure Camps (RR) |
23-27 | Youth Camp Week 5 |
July 2025
1 | Credential Application Deadline for August Interviews |
4 | Independence Day (Office Closed) |
7-11 | Kids Camp Week 1 |
7-13 | Pathfinder Trip to North Carolina (RR) |
11-12 | Called (Youth) |
12 | SOM |
14-18 | Kids Camp Week 2 |
18 | SW Division Staff Meeting (RR) |
21-25 | Kids Camp Week 3 |
23-26 | Network Junior Leader Training Academy (RR) |
28-8/1 | Kids Camp Week 4 |
August 2025
1-2 | SW Division Cardboard Boat Regatta (RR) |
2 | SOM |
18-19 | Men’s Rep Meeting (Springfield) |
21 | Credential Interviews |
21-22 | Presbyters Meeting |
September 2025
1 | Labor Day (Office Closed) |
6 | SOM |
7-11/23 | Fall Refresh Connect Groups |
7-13 | Girls Ministries Week |
11-13 | Fall Retreat on the Lake (East) (WMs) |
17 | National “Touch the World” Day (WMs) |
18 | National “See you at the Altar” Day |
18-20 | Fall Retreat on the Lake (West) (WMs) |
19-21 | Network FCF Fall Trace (RR) |
20 | Fun Arts (NE) |
20-28 | 50 Plus Fall Bus Trip |
25 | Local Church Women’s Leadership Event (WMs) |
26-28 | Men’s Summit @ Cross Pointe Camp |
27 | Fun Arts (SE) |
October 2025
2-3 | Path 25 (Youth) |
2-5 | FCF Territorial Rendezvous (RR) |
4 | SOM |
4 | Fun Arts (SW) |
4 | Pure Girl Conference |
11 | Divisional Family Field Days (RR) |
11 | Fun Arts (NW) |
13-15 | Ministers Renewal |
14 | Refresh Ministry Women Breakaway 2026 Early Bird Registration Open |
15-17 | Presbyters Meeting |
18 | Network Executive Committee Meeting & Leader Roundtable (RR) |
November 2025
1 | Credential Application Deadline for January Interviews |
3 | Credential Renewal Opens |
7-8 | Men’s & LFTL Reps Planning Meeting (Springfield) |
8 | NWM One Day Conference (Refresh) |
21-22 | Youth Convention |
27-28 | Thanksgiving (Office Closed) |
December 2025
5-6 | NE, SW Division Christmas Party (RR) |
11-13 | Missions Retreat |
22-26 | Christmas (Office Closed) |
31 | Credential Renewal Deadline |