Level Qualifications


Those who indicate God’s call to ministry manifest a desire to enter the ministry by engaging in Christian work and who devote a part of his or her time to Christian service may be recognized as Certified Ministers. Whenever possible are to remain under the supervision of a pastor.


Those who exhibit clear evidence of a call to ministry and practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s life to preaching, are eligible for a License to Preach.


Qualifications for Ordination are outlined in the New Testament scriptures (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9). They shall be persons of mature Christian experience who are qualified and able to undertake the responsibilities of the full ministry. In addition:

  • Applicants must be twenty-three (23) years of age or older.
  • Applicants must be a member of the Southern Missouri District for no less than one (1) year prior to ordination.
  • Applicants must possess a License to Preach credential at least two (2) consecutive years and been engaged in active work as a pastor, evangelist or some other recognized fulltime ministry for at least two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to submitting an application.
  • If applicant is licensed in another district, approval to proceed with ordination must be received from former district. 

EDUCATION: All applicants must meet the appropriate educational requirements for the applicable level of credential that is sought.