Matthew 28:19 says, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” This command to “go” calls us to engage in outreach, emphasizing our responsibility to make disciples within our local communities. As a church, we are called to be outwardly focused.
However, financial constraints often make outreach challenging. To address this, the Church Health Department has partnered with business leaders to help fund community outreach efforts. A simple form is available on this page for you to fill out, providing assistance to help your church connect with and serve your community for Christ.
One effective strategy we’ve seen is planning a Big Day—a special Sunday where church members invite friends and family. Pair the service with engaging activities for kids and adults, making it a memorable event. For example, during my time as a pastor, we organized impressive Saturday events, but we noticed that few visitors returned on Sunday. Then we hosted a Tailgate Sunday, where we gave away Kansas City Chiefs football tickets, served free pulled-pork sandwiches, and provided fun activities for kids like inflatables. At halftime, we gave away 2 more tickets. The church was packed, and many of the attendees returned the following week, eventually making our church their home.
This experience taught us the value of hosting a Big Day on Sundays to create meaningful connections that encourage people to return.
We’re here to help you think creatively about how to reach your community. Whether you want to brainstorm ideas or need financial support, reach out to the Network Office and ask for the Church Health Director. Alternatively, fill out the form, and we’ll get in touch with you. Together, we can make a lasting impact in your community!
Note: Fill out application, download it and email to
Note: Download and print for guests to fill out.